Simply stake $Temple to generate passive income paid out in $Temple and ETH
Staking serves a crucial purpose to keep the price floor stable and reward loyal community members with high yield which includes revenue share from every swap transaction on the DEX.
Holders of $Temple can stake their tokens which will earn them real-yield rewards which comes from the trading fees and additional $Temple. Real yield is paid out daily automatically.
Real-yield daily rewards
Real-yield for $Temple stakers will look as follows:
staked supply: 20%
24h volume: 10,000,000$
fees collected: 5,000$
1000 $Temple staked daily rewards: 250$ and additional $Temple
$Temple Staking info:
APR: depends on the number of tokens staked and trading volume
Deposit and withdraw fee: 0%
Rewards: $Temple and ETH
Last updated